Ideologies of U.S. Political Conservatives

A culminating project for the Master of Arts in Anthropology program.

This article examines existing scholarship on the formation of the united white identity through political discourse and control of the memory, land, and objects to position themselves against the “other” and ensure social and economic superiority. The analysis offers a wide lens on research exploring the formation of, and response to, the monumental landscape of the South, and conservative political discourse and initiatives across time that enforce and justify discrimination and violence that pervades through economic, legal, religious, and social institutions. This article is a decolonialist exploration of lived experiences because it directs responsibility onto the elites who cemented white supremacist ideals into conservative culture through political and cultural wars.


Perfection’s Reflection: Influencers on Bodybuilder Behavior

An honors thesis project that provides insight on the impact of influencers and may be a value to those who wish to be influential. Six current and former competitive bodybuilders explained the impact of influencers in seven key themes: 1.) Body dissatisfaction, 2.) Inspiration, 3.) Imitation, 4.) Motivation, 5.) Skepticism and distrust, 6.) Information, and 7.) Avoidance. These seven key themes were identified throughout three stages of the bodybuilders’ journeys, “The Beginning,” during their early childhood to high school years, “The Middle,” the start of their bodybuilding careers, and “The End,” the present day.

It is concluded that influencers may impact competitive bodybuilders differently based on the stage of their journeys and to be influential, one should provide the ideal impact based on bodybuilders’ stage of their journeys.