Kiara Caldwell


This website is a showcase for completed work and projects.
Please view my written, creative, and analytic work below.

Thank you for visiting!

I can only hope that I continue to work alongside people with the same genuine and humble nature. There’s no way Kiara won’t make a lasting impact, wherever she goes and in whatever she does.
— TAMIKA S., VP, Operations & Client Success @ Sincera Talent Partners


Kiara brings great ideas and skills to the department. We appreciate all of her creativity, marketing efforts, enthusiasm that she puts into all that she does, and willingness to roll up her sleeves and pitch in.
— DR. ELLEN C., Director of Admissions and Department Chair at GW
Kiara is a real star. A wonderful colleague and work partner! GW OT wouldn’t be as great without her, and she is an important glue to us all.
— DR. ROGER I., Program Director at GW
We’ve loved Kiara’s work and enjoyed working with her to take our social media presence to a much more impressive level.
— LISA S., Owner of Helluva Brewing Company
Kiara has made such a big impact on this office in team building, the Insta, and so much more.
— CARRIE H., Marketing & Publicity Manager at ASU
Kiara goes above and beyond. She truly invests herself in the initiatives - she doesn’t just do surface jobs, she really researches, examines, and reflects on the issues. Kiara takes initiative to update all parties and does this proactively and in a very detailed manner that exceeds expectations.
— JOSH W., Operations Director at GW